Fireside Chat with Dr. Ulf Zillig

Dr. Ulf Zillig is the Vice President Group Research for Sustainability at Mercedes-Benz AG.

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On Thursday, 11.04.24, our members had the opportunity to talk to one of the top managers from Baden-Württemberg in a relaxed atmosphere. We are delighted to report that Dr. Ulf Zillig, Vice President Group Research for Sustainability at Mercedes-Benz AG, has agreed to visit us for a fireside evening. After a short round of introductions and a keynote speech by Mr. Zillig on the topic of sustainability from the perspective of Mercedes-Benz AG, the evening turned into a lively discussion led by Prof. Eric Sax. In addition to the topics that currently occupy him, Mr. Zillig also reported on his career and how he came to the position he now holds in the company. We would like to thank Mr. Zillig very much for the time he spent with us and look forward to further exchanges in the future.